About us

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive

This whakatauki talks to the mission of this conference which is all about community collaboration and acknowledges that everybody has something to offer and by working together we can all flourish.

We aim to share and support initiatives that foster positive change in our communities. Particularly initiatives that empower wāhine, embrace diversity, promote healthy lifestyles, and advance woman, Pasifika, and Māori communities.

Our vision is to amplify the stories of our rural wāhine

through the power of storytelling.

Meet Clare - Conference founder

A mum of three energetic school-aged kids, Clare lives in Central Otago and works across Aotearoa as a visual storyteller.  Clare has always held a strong passion for supporting projects that make a difference. Initiatives that help make the world a better place to live. Dedicated to the transformative power of storytelling, Clare created Inspiring Wāhine believing that everyone has a unique story to share.

As an owner of a photography and video production company, Clare frequently meets people from a range of backgrounds all with their own inspiring story. Recognising the potential to celebrate these stories and talents in her local rural community, Clare established this conference. 

Meet the Team

Founded by Clare Toia-Bailey (centre) The Inspiring Wāhine conference is a day dedicated to celebrating the strength and resilience of rural women.

Some of the team who are making this exciting opportunity happen (L-R) Whitney Conder - Chair Central Otago Women in Horticulture, Alyse Burrows - Manager of The Finery, Clare Toia-Bailey, Founder, workshop presenter Sharon Donaldson - Naturopath, and Chelsea Donnelly - community connector.

Come join us for a day of inspiration, connection, and celebration.
We can’t wait to see you there!