Enjoy a day filled with thought-provoking discussions, networking, interactive & fun workshops.

Join us for a one-day & night event celebrating inspiring wāhine from across Aotearoa New Zealand

The Full Conference

day & night

Conference Morning

8:00 AM

Onwards registrations at The Finery

8:45 AM

Mihi whakatau, Karakia, Louise Mckenzie Chair (Board of Trustees Uruuruwhenua Hauora & Whaea Francie Diver, Cultural Advisor (Board of Trustees)

9:00 AM

MC Welcome - Dr Jo Cribb. Professional director, consultant and chair NZ Women in Wine

9:10 AM

Opening Remarks - Gill Naylor, National President Tumuaki Mataamua, Rural Women NZ

 9:25 AM

Keynote address & interactive workshop

 “When the glass isn’t even half-empty: essential skills for recovering calm, focus and a sense of humour.”

Dr Denise Quinlan

Co-Founder New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing & Resilience

10:30 AM

Morning Tea at The Finery

11:00 AM

Panel session: Resilience stories “caring for our tangata (people) & communities”

Serena Lyders (Ngāti Porou) - Whānau Consultancy Services

Dr Helen Paterson – Founder of Te Waka Wahine Hauora. The Women’s Health Bus

Kuisitina Colailgo - Central Otago Pasifika Founder

Bernadine Guilleux-Balle – Chair of NZ Good Agricultural Practice

12:45 PM

Lunch at The Finery

Afternoon Workshops

2:00 PM

Afternoon Workshops Rotation 1 45 mins


1 Menopause - So Much More Than Hot Flushes! Presented by Sharon Donaldson, Naturopath/Medical Herbalist. (Activity fee $15pp no limit).

2 Gentle Yoga & breath work for wellbeing with Angela Connell (Activity fee $15pp max 20 people).

3 Unlock Your Potential: A Transformative Workshop for Women with Wellbeing & Mindset Coach Sarah Dickie (Activity fee $15pp max 20 people).

4 Interactive Workshop on Personal Investing for Women with Haley van Leeuwen of by Craigs Investment Partners (no fee sponsored by Craigs Investment Partners)

5 Pamper suite. Relax rejuvenate with a 15 min treatment head, shoulder, Indian head massage or reflexology session (activity fee $25 pp per treatment )

6 Creating Stunning Flower Arrangements Presented by Jo Robinson, Founder of Scrubby Gully Co Ltd (activity fee $30 pp limit 14 people)

7 Unlock Your Style: A Workshop with Melissa Munnik, Personal Stylist (activity fee $25pp limit 40 people)

2:50 PM

Afternoon Tea at The Finery

3:15 PM

Workshop Rotation 2 (45 mins)

8 Menopause - So Much More Than Hot Flushes! Presented by Sharon Donaldson, Naturopath/Medical Herbalist (Activity fee $15pp no limit).

9 Pasifika Zumba with Kuisitina Colailgo (sponsored by Uruuruwhenua Hauora & Flowspace no fee)

10 How stress management techniques taught to our elite athletes can help you over come your own challenges with Mental Skills Coach Carol Goodlass (sponsored by Carol Goodlass no fee)

11 Quick and Easy make up tips: Enhance Your Natural Beauty" with Jo Thomas of Radiance Skin & Day Spa (sponsored by Radiance Skin & Day Spa no fee)

12 Book your session in the Pamper Suite and treat yourself to a relaxing 15-minute treatment (activity fee $25 pp per treatment)

13 Create Stunning Flower Arrangements with Jo Robinson Presented by Jo Robinson, Founder of Scrubby Gully Co Ltd (Activity fee $30pp)

14 Unlock Your Style: A Workshop with Melissa Munnik, Personal Stylist (Activity fee $25pp limit 40 people)

4:00 PM

End of Afternoon session

* Each workshop is 45 minutes in duration.  Please note additional fees may apply & could range from $15.00 - $40pp plus GST for a workshop depending on your choices. Workshop options may be subject to change. For more info about the workshops & presenters.


5:00 PM

Wine tasting with Central Otago Women in Wine at the Finery ($15pp booking required w ticket purchase max number 50 people).

5:40 PM

Networking Drinks & nibbles

6:10 PM

Mihi whakatau – welcome from Uruuruwhenua Hauora – Whaea Louise Mckenzie Chair (Board of Trustess) / Whaea Francie Diver, 

6:20 PM

MC Loshni Manikam, Coach, Facilitator, Author and Dairy Farmer welcomes guests

6:30 PM

Rural Health Story The opening of an Urgent Care Centre in Alexandra – Health Central’s, Dr Kate Dixon & General Manager, Jenaya Smith. 


Rural Leadership -  Kate Scott, Chair of Rural Leaders NZ & MD of Landpro discussing her work in developing rural leaders across Aotearoa and balancing motherhood, governance, and business.


Rural Community Story – Journeys Founders: Megan Longman & Kim Froggatt share the “Journeys” story an adventure program for wāhine


8:45 PM

Dame Farah Palmer (Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato) on rural life, growing up on farm in Pio Pio to Former Black Fern Captain of 3 world cup winning teams, with leadership and governance roles in sport and academia.

9:25 PM

MC & Organising Team Close