Dinner is open for the all the community to enjoy and tickets can be purchased if available early September.


5:00 PM

Wine tasting with Central Otago Women in Wine at the Finery ($15pp booking required w ticket purchase max number 50 people).

5:40 PM

Networking Drinks & nibbles

6:10 PM

Mihi whakatau – welcome from Uruuruwhenua Hauora – Whaea Louise Mckenzie Chair (Board of Trustess) / Whaea Francie Diver, 

6:20 PM

MC Loshni Manikam, Coach, Facilitator, Author and Dairy Farmer welcomes guests

6:30 PM

Rural Health Story The opening of an Urgent Care Centre in Alexandra – Health Central’s, Dr Kate Dixon & General Manager, Jenaya Smith. 


Rural Leadership -  Kate Scott, Chair of Rural Leaders NZ


Rural Community Story – Journeys Founders: Megan Longman & Kim Froggatt share the “Journeys” story an adventure program for wāhine


8:45 PM

Dame Farah Palmer (Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato) on rural life, growing up on farm in Pio Pio to Former Black Fern Captain of 3 world cup winning teams, with leadership and governance roles in sport and academia.

9:25 PM

MC & Organising Team Close